Sustainability & Imports : Mexico

Food Supply – Sustainability & Imports The United States relies heavily on foreign production of fresh fruits and vegetables.  Many countries of origin are now facing water shortages and other adverse environmental impacts.  This Country Profile: Mexico looks at one of the major sources of imported fresh fruits and vegetables.

Sample Daily Menu

Daily Water – Sample Menu How much water is in the food you eat? Check out this sample daily menu and learn more about the water needed to grow the foods you enjoy! Every meal requires water to produce, but California farmers are dedicated to efficiently producing more food with every gallon. Check out how […]

Farm Water Cafe

From our dinner to our data centers, everything has a water footprint. Find out more about how much water it takes to grow our food or charge our cars with this infographic. 

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Where Does Farm Water Go?

Water used to grow farm products doesn’t stay on the farm. It becomes part of the food we eat and the clothing we wear.    California is a net importer of the water needed to feed and clothe our population. 

Updated Map – 2021 Farm Water Supplies Cut Again

Updated June, 2021: California farms are bearing the brunt of this year’s short water supply and have been forced to reduce the acreage of popular California crops, such as asparagus, melons, lettuce, rice, tomatoes, sweet corn, and others. Water supply reductions mean fewer fresh fruits and vegetables for consumers, massive farm-related job losses, and billions […]

Map Shows 2021 Farm Water Supply Cuts

Click here to see the latest map. Updated: June 2021 California farms are bearing the brunt of this year’s short water supply and have been forced to reduce the acreage of popular California crops, such as asparagus, melons, lettuce, rice, tomatoes, sweet corn, and others. Water supply reductions mean fewer fresh fruits and vegetables for […]