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CFWC is the only statewide organization dedicated to helping the public understand the direct connection between water and the availability of the food they love.

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The Coalition works to help consumers, elected representatives, government officials and the media make the connection between farm water and our food supply.

About the California Farm Water Coalition

The California Farm Water Coalition was formed in 1989 to educate the public about California’s special place as a farming leader and the critical role water plays in producing the food and fiber we rely on.

Learn more about our efforts to educate the public about California farming by clicking here.

Join the Coalition

The California Farm Water Coalition is dedicated to emphasizing the need to keep a dependable water supply flowing to California farms.

Join us today.

Support Public Outreach & Education Today

Get Involved on Social Media

The Coalition reaches California’s public with effective, data-driven social media programs, hands-on interactive exhibits designed for kids, and targeted conventional outreach through print and broadcast media.

The California Farm Water Coalition actively engages with the public and media on farm water issues. Engagement takes numerous forms and occurs at many levels. Social media is one way consumers can connect with agriculture in their daily lives. Check out the Coalition’s social media below and help engage the public.
California Farm Water Coalition

Food Grows Where Water Flows -

Food Grows Where Water Flows makes farm water information accessible and understandable for urban Californians on this consumer-focused page.

California Farm Water Coalition - Facebook

California Farm Water Coalition brings farm water news and facts to followers across a variety of interests on this industry-focused page.

@Farmwater - X (Twitter)

California Farm Water Coalition shares important news and other farm water information with news-conscious members of the public.

Farmwater - Instagram

California Farm Water Coalition delivers farm water facts and helps connect consumers with food and the farms producing it.

Cultivate California

Cultivate California connects consumers with food-focused messaging about the importance of California farms to the food they enjoy.

Cultivate California

Cultivate California brings positive farm and food messaging to consumers while introducing and expanding on the role of water in food production.

Cultivate California - Facebook

Cultivate California presents consumers with recipes, compelling stories, and introductory facts about farms and water in California.

Cultivate California - X (Twitter)

Cultivate California reminds consumers of the connection between water and the California farms producing the food they enjoy.

Cultivate California - Instagram

Cultivate California brings the visuals of fresh, local California food to consumers with water-focused messaging, connecting it to the food they enjoy.