2021 Drought: Reclamation Should Approve a New Melones Water Transfer

For 112 years Oakdale (OID) and South San Joaquin Irrigation districts (SSJID) have been the senior water right diverters on the Stanislaus River. In 1972, an agreement was struck by the two districts with the Bureau of Reclamation on how the district’s water will flow-through the New Melones Dam facility after it being constructed. Since […]

Updated Map – 2021 Farm Water Supplies Cut Again

Updated June, 2021: California farms are bearing the brunt of this year’s short water supply and have been forced to reduce the acreage of popular California crops, such as asparagus, melons, lettuce, rice, tomatoes, sweet corn, and others. Water supply reductions mean fewer fresh fruits and vegetables for consumers, massive farm-related job losses, and billions […]