Marcia Sablan

Firebaugh city councilwoman and family physician Marcia Sablan

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It’s not uncommon for farmers and farm workers to sit shoulder-to-shoulder in the spacious waiting room of the Sablan Medical Clinic on Firebaugh’s main thoroughfare. Inside the bustling clinic, Dr. Marcia Sablan and her husband maintain a busy practice they started 24 years ago as newly minted physicians required to serve a rural community as part of a community service requirement.

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Mike Ratley

Westside Ford Sales Manager Mike Ratley[

[audio src="/images/stories/radio/radio_ratley.mp3"]
Ratley has become a familiar voice to KMJ Radio listeners from Redding to Bakersfield and California’s Central Coast with his southern drawl and down-home philosophy. Some of his ads have nothing to do with selling cars, either. If a particular subject is important to Ratley, for example election politics, he’ll record a commercial to let you know what he thinks.

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